
Flat rate resource model

A more traditional data centre resource usage based pricing model for private installations and other usecases not suitable for the revenue share model.
Best suited for private installations



Flat rate resource model

trusted by some of the best companies worldwide

Host operating system and Warren platform RAM footprint is non-billable

Free tier for less than 256 GB of RAM clusters (optional commercial support). 

In addition to the revenue share pricing model, Warren features a flat rate pricing model of RAM resources allocated for the compute cluster.

1 Gb allocated RAM resources has a flat rate of 1 Euro monthly billable by Warren.
It is different from the Usage based revenue sharing model in some ways. While the 20% revenue sharing model only includes the resources consumed by the End User, the flat rate resource model in contrast measures the size of your whole cluster and the RAM memory available for consumption in the cluster regardless of whether it is consumed by the End User or not (this does not include resources needed for control nodes and hypervisors that is reserved for Warren).
100 Hypervisors -5%
250 Hypervisors -10%
500+ Hypervisors -20%
For example:
The Partner has a cluster of 5 hypervisors, all with 256 GB RAM. Warren platform runs on 3 control nodes with full redunancy and ca 10% of hypervisor reserved for the system (depends on number of CPU’s). The monthly rate would be:

There are additional discounts available with yearly billing cycles and multi-year contracts. Contact us to get a tailored offering according to your scope and needs.

Download pricing whitepaper
Download pricing whitepaper

Download Pricing Whitepaper

The scope of this whitepaper is to introduce the flexible pricing models of Warren platform and services included in the offering.